Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I guess it is time for true confessions. I had a chocolate almond concrete from Neilsens last night! BUT, my buy- one-get-one-at-1/2-price card expired yesterday, so I just HAD to use it one more time! BUT, today is the beginning of Lent, and I am giving up ice cream. 40 days ice cream free! No exercise yesterday either. Today is another day!


Amber said...

Custard! Mmmmmmmmm.... You're a brave woman giving up ice cream. Lent huh? Giving up something? I'll have to give that one some thought. :) I think these next 15 weeks (?) are going to be fun! TTYLater! P.S. I love your title!

Amber said...

P.S. kanga5 is Amber :)

About Me

My photo
I am a killer softball player, and I have a spontaneous soul. I love to walk outside in my socks, I think because we were all told when we were young to not go outside in our socks, and now I buy my own socks. Some of the simple things in life that bring a quick, easy smile to my face are: finding a funky new font, little shoots of green pushing their way through the dirt in spring, driving through BIG, DEEP puddles and putting Bugles Snacks on my fingers and pretending that I have long fingernails.

Good News

What an Amazing View!

What an Amazing View!
the top of that peak in the background, is where I am standing in the next picture!

I'm up on top of the world...

I'm up on top of the world...
That is Machu Picchu way small in the background!

one more of Machu Picchu

one more of Machu Picchu
there is that peak that I climbed in the background again